How Do Google Ads Work?

Google is the most popular search engine in the world and millions of searches are performed. There are a lot of people visiting the search engine, so it offers the perfect place to reach out to a wide range of audiences and build a diverse clientele. Every page of Google search displays Google ads that are paid for by businesses looking for brand exposure.

How Do Google Ads Work?

Google ads are paid advertisements offered by Google and they appear in the search results and on other websites. It can be a little hard for beginners to understand the workings of these ads because people tend to overcomplicate the process.

Here is a simple breakdown of how Google ads work and contribute to the success of a company.

What Are  Google Networks?

The Google ads are currently divided into two different networks and each offers different advertising options to satisfy your goals.

The two network types are:

Search Network

It contains the advertising locations, like search results on Google search and other properties such as Google shopping and maps. It is also responsible for showing ads on partner websites.

Display Network

It focuses on advertising methods and platforms that are not text-based for example Gmail, YouTube, and other partner sites on Google. The ads you see while browsing YouTube are because of the display network.

The image ads that show up on the headers or sidebar of a website are ads on the partner websites of Google on a display network.

Google Ads Retargeting

Retargeting or remarketing is sending another ad to the users you have already interacted with and failed to convert. It is another chance to convince people to purchase what you are offering. Google has the best remarketing software and also offers custom audience options making it possible to increase sales by going back to clients you have advertised to before.

Advertisers can use keywords to target and retarget potential clients.

Rank On Google Ads

The ads on Google are displayed in order. To ensure the visibility of the ads it is important to work on achieving a high ranking. The traffic you attract depends on the position the ad holds. Getting the attention of the clients is crucial and having a high position makes it easier to increase clientele.

The Ad Rank is the value created by Google and it is used for determining the position of an ad.

The ranking of the ad depends on the following vital factors

  • The bid amount plays an important role in determining the rank of the ad. A higher bid means the ranking is going to be high.
  • The auction-time ad quality is also relevant in the ranking of the ad.
  • The context of the search such as time, location, device, etc. related to the ad.
  • What is the impact of the ad extension and how much improvement does it offer.

Bidding is not the only factor for achieving a high ranking, so do not focus on a single factor. It is essential to nail all the factors to get your ad’s top ranking.

The Quality Score Of Google Ads

The quality score of the Google ads is a rank ranging from 1 to 10 and it lets you know about the performance of the keywords.

The quality score is composed of the following three portions

  1. Expected Click-through rate: If you have a higher expected click-through rate then you can expect a higher score than most.
  2. Ad relevance: The relevancy of the ads is crucial and the call to action should also make sense. If you are selling things online then the call to action should not ask customers to visit the shop.
  3. Landing page experience: The landing page must communicate similar information as the ads. If the offers and keywords are not the same, it will lower the score.

These factors are crucial for achieving a high score and convert more customers. Even a minute difference of information will drag down the score. The quality score is crucial for the success of Google ads because it impacts the ranking. The quality scores are straightforward and help in letting you know if your strategy is helpful in raising the score or not.


Google ads are worth investing in because they work for businesses of all types and sizes. They are an effective and affordable addition to the marketing addition. It has become vital to make Google ads part of the marketing campaign because they can offer opportunities that other marketing platforms cannot.